
The Errazuriz Winery was established in 1870 when the founder Don Maximiano Errazuriz first brought vines to the area.

The beautiful original 1870 building still stands with the spectacular underground cellars still being used. Two brand new winery buildings were completed in 2010; one for Max Reserva wines and one for our flagship wines.

In the Max Reserva winery, a huge selection of different tank sizes, gravity flow and open top fermenters are now available to the winemaking team to give them more flexibility in their continuing quest for the best quality.
The Don Maximiano Icon Winery is an architecturally stunning masterpiece with oak fermenters and environmentally friendly ‘ground source’ heating/cooling. Sitting alongside the original 1870 building, these new developments show the importance of respecting our heritage whilst having a clear vision for the future.

Both were showcased by Jancis Robinson and Hugh Johnson in the 7th Edition of The World Atlas of Wine as benchmark examples of a state-of-the-art modern winery.
In October 2017, Errazuriz became Chile’s first recipient of the Robert Parker Wine Advocate Extraordinary Winery Award for ‘Best Chilean Winery 2017’.